People usually associate ‘Artist’ with someone who draws and paints, displaying art in an art gallery. Well, that’s true, but there are different kinds of artists. Each artist has a life, and they are like any other ordinary people out there. However, the only difference between ordinary people and an artist is the superior sense of creativity. They see the world in the light of vibrant colors and beauty. Have you ever thought about what artists do in real life? Movies often portray artists sitting around in a coffee shop having deep thoughts and meaningful conversations, swinging paintbrushes in an art gallery or having a dramatic nervous breakdown when in a crowd. An artist can be a writer, composer, musician, or anyone with talent in creativity. However, besides dedicating a big portion of their time and energy to their passion, they also perform the usual chores and follow different hobbies. Let’ have a look at the different activities an artist performs! 1...